Childhood cancer awareness month

Childhood cancer awareness month

September is a month dedicated to raising awareness about an important cause that sadly affects thousands of children around the world - childhood cancer. It's a time to shine a spotlight on these brave young fighters and their families, as well as the urgent need for more research, resources, and support. 

Childhood cancer awareness
In this blog post, we discuss what childhood cancer is all about, the different types that exist, how to recognize signs and symptoms, and most importantly, how we can work together to prevent it. 

So let's join forces during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and make a difference in the lives of these incredible warriors!

What is childhood cancer?

Childhood cancer is a term used to describe various types of cancer that specifically affect children. Unlike cancers in adults, childhood cancer often occurs in different parts of the body and requires specialized care. 

It is important to note that childhood cancer is not one single disease but encompasses several forms, each with its own unique characteristics.

One common type of childhood cancer is leukemia, which affects the blood and bone marrow. Leukemia can cause symptoms such as fatigue, pale skin, frequent infections, and unexplained bruising or bleeding. 

Another type is neuroblastoma, a solid tumor that usually starts in the adrenal glands located on top of the kidneys. Symptoms may include abdominal pain or swelling, weight loss, and bone pain.

Other types of childhood cancers include brain tumors (which can lead to headaches or changes in vision), Wilms tumor (a kidney tumor causing abdominal swelling), retinoblastoma (a rare eye cancer), and lymphomas (cancers affecting the immune system).

Diagnosing childhood cancer involves thorough medical evaluations including physical exams, imaging tests like X-rays or MRI scans, blood tests for markers specific to certain cancers, and sometimes biopsies for definitive confirmation.

The journey through childhood cancer treatment can be challenging both physically and emotionally for children and their families alike. That's why early detection plays a crucial role in improving outcomes by allowing for prompt intervention.

In upcoming sections we will explore signs and symptoms associated with different types of childhood cancers as well as strategies to prevent this devastating disease from occurring altogether.

The different types of childhood cancer

Childhood cancer is a devastating reality that affects thousands of children and their families every year. While it may be difficult to comprehend, there are actually several different types of childhood cancer that can occur. Each type presents its own unique challenges and requires specialized treatment.

One of the most common types of childhood cancer is leukemia, which affects the blood and bone marrow. Leukemia causes an overproduction of abnormal white blood cells, making it difficult for the body to fight infections. Another type is neuroblastoma, a cancer that forms in nerve tissue commonly found in infants and young children.

Wilms tumor is another form of childhood cancer that typically affects the kidneys. This tumor usually occurs in children between the ages of 3 and 4 years old. Retinoblastoma, on the other hand, primarily affects the eyes and is often diagnosed during infancy or early childhood.

Other types include brain tumors, lymphomas (cancers affecting the immune system), osteosarcoma (a bone cancer), and sarcomas (cancers affecting soft tissues). It's important to note that these are just some examples; there are many more variations within each category.

Understanding these various types helps medical professionals develop targeted treatments based on each child's specific diagnosis. Through ongoing research and advancements in technology, doctors strive to improve survival rates while minimizing long-term side effects for these brave young fighters.

The battle against childhood cancer continues as scientists work tirelessly to find new treatments and ultimately a cure for this devastating disease.

The signs and symptoms of childhood cancer

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of childhood cancer is crucial for early detection and treatment. While these symptoms may vary depending on the type of cancer, there are some common warning signs to look out for.

One important symptom is unexplained weight loss or loss of appetite. Children with cancer often experience a decrease in their appetite, leading to noticeable weight loss. Another red flag is persistent fatigue or lethargy that doesn't improve with rest. This can be a sign that something more serious is going on.

Frequent infections or illnesses can also indicate an underlying issue such as leukemia, which affects the body's ability to fight off infections. Pay attention if your child seems to be constantly sick or takes longer than usual to recover from common illnesses.

Other possible signs include pale skin, easy bruising or bleeding, bone pain, swollen lymph nodes, and unexplained fevers. If you notice any unusual changes in your child's health or behavior that persist over time, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

Remember that these symptoms do not necessarily mean your child has cancer; they could have other explanations. However, being aware and proactive about potential warning signs can help ensure early diagnosis and better outcomes for children facing this difficult journey.

Tips to prevent childhood cancer

One of the most pressing concerns for parents is how to prevent childhood cancer. While it may not be possible to completely eliminate the risk, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of a child developing this devastating disease.

First and foremost, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial in preventing childhood cancer. This includes providing nutritious meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables, promoting regular exercise, and ensuring adequate sleep. 

Vitamin supplements

I personally believe that nowadays nobody gets enough of the right vitamins and minerals from food alone. Finding food based vitamins that children enjoy and will take daily is important. I give my son vitamin gummies.


Just like vitamins. We are all some what mineral deficient in these modern times. I've been hearing a lot about the trace minerals listed here : 
Many electrolytes or trace minerals are tasteless and easily added to water. Magnesium is a great evening mineral that helps reduce stress, anxiety, pain and improve sleep. Click here to buy.


Make an effort to let the sun shine on children's skin and eyes whenever possible, as due to modern living and working conditions. Humans spend so much more time indoors. We overlook one of the most important vitamins that is best received directly from the sun. 

Vitamin D surprisingly, even if you have access to loads of sunshine. Many people are still vitamin D deficient. Therefore a liquid vitamin D3 is recommended. The drops I've been using are tasteless making them easy for all the family to commit to. Click to buy.


Doing your best to reduce simple sugars and carbohydrates - which also convert into sugar is not only beneficial for children's teeth. It can also reduce their chances of diabetes. Switch to healthier sweeteners like xylitol and erithriyol. Low GI and diabetic friendly products like special jams and sauces if your kids consume these a lot. Choose complex carbs instead of simple carbs. The lollies at the following link have been highly recommended :


Adding nutritional yeast, powdered fruits and vegetables, plus sea salt instead of table salt to kids favourite meals is another clever way to get more vitamins and minerals into the diets of children. Believe it or not, many modern meals actually strip our bodies of important vitamins and minerals. Lacking in the right nutrition can weaken our bodies and lower our immune system.

Reducing screen time

Reducing screen time will potentially help children to have a more restful sleep. Preserve their vision and get them away from harmful EMF electrical frequencies and radiation. Never let children sleep on or next to switched on plugs or technological devices. Encourage them not to keep gadgets in their pockets when not using them. Store them away from their bodies.

Stay active

If your child - or children don't naturally seem to enjoy much physical activity. Make it fun by getting involved with them. You could get a trampoline or a smaller rebounder which is great for lymphatic system movement. Or regularly visit a trampoline park. 

Get outdoors and try different sports or but some lawn games. Play tag or go further by role playing in costumes. Even long walks are a great way to exercise. You could hike and explore. Do a treasure hunt and make every adventure fun.

Endure the noise of naturally active children and be thankful that they are active! Unfortunately many people label active children as poorly behaved or ADHD due to the peace and quiet many people crave.

If your kids love computer games. Try and switch to virtual games that involve physical activity - like the Nintendo Wii.


As well as working up a sweat daily. Children can often need further detoxification in the form of heavy metal detoxing. I've been seeing a lot of positive reviews concerning the following product : 

By instilling these habits early on, you are setting your child up for a healthier future.

Another important aspect of prevention is protecting your child from harmful environmental factors. Limiting exposure to secondhand smoke, toxic chemicals, and radiation can significantly reduce their risk.

Additionally, being vigilant about potential genetic predispositions can play a role in prevention. If there is a family history of certain types of cancers or genetic disorders associated with cancer development, consulting with a healthcare professional or genetic counselor can provide valuable insight into appropriate screening measures or preventive strategies.

Gut Health

Regular, complete bowl movements are crucial and overall gut health can be improved by eating more fiber. Including prebiotic and probiotic food and drink into your diets. Reducing gluten to improve the gut and brain. As well as physical activity that gets the whole body moving. 

While we cannot control every factor that contributes to childhood cancer risk, by implementing these preventive measures we can take an active role in safeguarding our children's health. Remember that prevention starts at home and small changes can make all the difference!

Childhood cancer awareness month

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is an important time to raise awareness about the impact of cancer on children and their families. Throughout the month of September, various organizations and individuals come together to educate, support, and advocate for those affected by childhood cancer.

During this month, you may notice buildings lit up in gold or people wearing gold ribbons to show solidarity with the cause. The color gold symbolizes strength and resilience – qualities that are essential when facing such a challenging disease.

One way to get involved during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is by supporting fundraising events that directly benefit research efforts or provide resources for families battling pediatric cancer. These events can range from charity runs to bake sales or even virtual campaigns on social media platforms.

Another crucial aspect of this awareness month is education. Sharing information about childhood cancer symptoms, treatment options, and available support services helps ensure early detection and timely intervention. By spreading knowledge about childhood cancer throughout our communities, we can empower parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals alike.

Don't underestimate the power of simply showing your support. Whether it's sending a thoughtful message to someone who has been touched by childhood cancer or volunteering your time at a local hospital or organization dedicated to pediatric oncology – every act matters.

Remember: Childhood Cancer Awareness Month serves as a reminder that together we can make a difference in the lives of these brave young warriors fighting against this devastating disease. So let's continue raising awareness all year round!


Childhood cancer is a devastating disease that affects thousands of children around the world. It is important to raise awareness about this issue and support those who are battling it. During Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we have an opportunity to come together as a community and make a difference.

By understanding what childhood cancer is, recognizing its signs and symptoms, and taking preventative measures, we can work towards reducing its impact on young lives. Through education, research, and support for affected families, we can provide hope for a brighter future.

Let us stand united in spreading awareness about childhood cancer throughout the year - not just during September. Together, we can bring attention to this critical issue and help improve the lives of children facing cancer.

Every child deserves a fighting chance against cancer. Let's join forces to make sure they get it!

Together We Can Make A Difference!
Instagram@ Gone Sun Where

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