My mermaidcore beach party look

Instagram@ Gone Sun Where

My mermaidcore beach party look

When I got the invite to a very special beach party this summer it clicked right away that I should go dressed in full on mermaidcore.

Mermaid makeup

I wasn't so sure about it but I decided to push myself and made a real statement at the event. CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT THE PARTY!

My mermaidcore look consisted of freshly loosened braids for that crimped beach hair effect. My makeup look was something out of the ordinary for me. 


As I coloured my brows in a slightly metallic. Vibrant shade of blue to match my iridescent blue mermaid skirt and bikini top. To achieve this statement Brow look I used rimmel London scandaleyes in aqua sparkle. The rest of my makeup was kept simple. 

Mermaid aesthetic

My outfit for the event was a beautiful bikini top with Pearls and shells hanging. Coupled with a fishtail skirt with scales. Jewellery was kept simple with some small pearl earrings. 

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