My Christmas nail design for the festive season

Instagram@ Gone Sun Where

My Christmas nail design 

This post is your sign to do something a little different with your nails for Christmas.

Christmas nail design

Whether you celebrate Christmas or not. It's nice to add some sparkle to your look at this time of year.

Initially I went in to my local salon last week for my current pictured nail design. Just without the sparkle. 

However my nail technician insisted that I have some shimmer added for the festive Christmas season. 

I'm glad she did, as I fell in love with the nail design.

It was one of those trust the process moments. As I initially thought to myself. This nail design looks ugly. Nothing like the photo I showed my nail technician for reference!

My opinion quickly changed and I began to see my Christmas nail design in a whole new light! The added glitter looks subtle. Just how I prefer glitter nails to look.

Thicker silver glitter polish was added to the abstract white painted nail corners. Whilst a very transparent shimmer was traced along the white squiggly lines. 

My Christmas nails are an abstract take on a traditional French manicure and I love em. They look great to a backdrop of Christmas snow and sparkle. 

Feel free to use my Christmas nail design picture as a reference when you next go in for a manicure.

Pros and cons of nail art design 

Nail designs are a fun way to show off your personality and style. They can be simple or complex, and there are endless possibilities when it comes to design options. 

However, there are also some drawbacks to consider before you choose your next nail design.


- Nail designs can be a great way to express your personality and style.

- They can be simple or complex, depending on your preference.

- There are endless possibilities when it comes to design options.


- Nail designs can be time consuming and require patience.

- They can be expensive, depending on the complexity of the design.

- Most nail salons don't focus on looking after your nails. Salon manicures often damage and weaken your nails in the long run. 

Design trial and error process

Designing anything can be difficult, especially if you're starting from scratch. 

Even if you have a clear idea of what you want your end result to look like, getting there can be a challenge. 

That's why it's important to be patient and willing to experiment during the design process.

One way to approach design is to start with a rough sketch of your idea. 

This can help you visualize what you want and give you a roadmap for how to get there. 

Once you have a general idea, it's time to start playing around with different designs.

Try out different color schemes, patterns, and textures until you find something that feels right.

It's also important to keep an open mind during the design process. You may not end up with exactly what you first envisioned. 

That doesn't mean the end result won't be just as beautiful – or even more so! 

So don't be afraid to experiment, and remember that trial and error is part of the creative process.

Is your nail art doing you any favours? 

Your nail design may be pretty, but is it doing you any favors? 

According to research, the answer is no.

Nail art has been found to harbour bacteria and other nasty microbes that can cause infections. 

So, if you're going to get your nails done for Christmas, make sure you choose a reputable salon. 

One that uses sterile equipment and follows good hygiene practices.

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