5 ways to prepare for your next travel adventure

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Travel can be one of the most enriching experiences a person can have. Getting out and seeing everything the world offers can help you learn more about other people, cultures and ways of life. 

Planning for your trip can be stressful, but you need to ensure everything is in order before heading to the airport. The more organised you are, the more things will flow once you are on the road and exploring everything the world has to offer.

With this in mind, it can be worth having a checklist in place to help you ensure you know what to expect when you arrive and have everything you need before getting to your destination. This will reduce any issues and give you added peace of mind.


Now the UK isn't in the EU; you must check out the passport requirements for every country you visit. Some airlines require your passport to have been issued within 10 years, meaning if you renewed ahead of time ( before the renewal rules changed), your passport might be older, and you could be denied boarding or entry into the country.

You will also need to know how long should be left on your passport on your return journey back to the UK. For example, you need at least three months left on your passport after the day you leave, while if you visit Australia, it only needs to be valid for the duration of your trip and no longer. Check the requirements of each country you plan to visit, if more than one, so you don't run into any issues.


Different countries have different visa requirements for different kinds of trips. Travellers to the US need an ESTA, for example, over tourist visits, while if you want to work temporarily, you need an H2B visa, not in all countries. UK citizens can travel visa-free to 153 countries for travel purposes and leisure trips only. Check the country requirements for the type of trip you are planning and make sure you have all the appropriate documents in place.

Taxes and Other Fees

As well as getting you the correct visa, you also need to be aware of any taxes you need to pay upon entry into different countries and other fees. Holiday companies typically levy tourist taxes. Still, in some cases, you might be liable to pay them upon arrival, depending on how you booked your trip and your provider.

Thailand, Austria, Bulgaria and Venice are examples of places that charge a tourist tax. In Austria, you will pay 3.02 Euros per person per night on top of your hotel bill. In Switzerland, you need to pay a vignette for driving on the roads. This is an additional cost of 40 Swiss Francs or more if you drive on specific routes, so if you travel via campervan across borders, for example, you will need to obtain a digital vignette via Big innovation or risk a 200 Swiss Francs fine.

Then there are also the transaction fees on card payments. Some banks and credit cards might charge you a conversion fee, and cash machines could add an additional charge for withdrawing money, too; this can add up, so pay attention to how you plan to pay for things so you can estimate costs and plan for how you will pay for purchases.

It might be worth investing in a prepaid travel card that can reduce the fees your bank charges and allow you to pay in different currencies.

Medications and Vaccinations

Depending on the country or region you visit, you may need proof of up-to-date vaccinations against common illnesses and diseases. The NHS provides some travel vaccines for free; however, for Yellow Fever, which you need for travel to some African countries, you will need to pay for this, and costs can vary depending on the number of vaccines you need for your trip. Check with your GP before travel and ensure you get vaccinated in plenty of time to leave and for the protection to be active. The NHS Fit for Travel Website can provide up-to-date information on the vaccines required for entry into different countries.

You will also need to ensure you have the proper medical documentation for any regular medication you are taking and need to travel with, for example, insulin for diabetes or heart medication. You might need a letter from your GP, and you will need to keep the original packaging with the pharmacy sticker on with your details. This is especially important if you are travelling for a while and will need to take larger quantities with you. Also, take common over-the-counter remedies too, such as antihistamines, diarrhoea medication, painkillers, bite relief cream and plasters for common ailments and health concerns you might not usually encounter in the UK.

Emergency Details

Lastly, you should always plan for the worst and hope for the best. This way, you will be prepared for anything going wrong and can preempt disasters. You need to have backups of your vital information on you at all times held in a separate place. Keep all of your essential travel documentation together in place so it's easily accessible, but also take pictures of everything on your phone and, if possible, upload them to the cloud so that if you lose your phone, you can still access them via a different device. Or you can photocopy it with you. This will allow you to access your transport or accommodation if your original documentation goes missing and have some form of ID if your passport is lost or stolen.

It is a good idea to know the phone number of the British Consulate in the country you are travelling to, and the FCDO provides help to UK citizens in foreign countries. List your next of kin details, health information, and anything else you feel might be necessary if you find yourself in an emergency or become ill during your trip. This can help you get help faster, especially if you cannot communicate for any reason.


Travelling is something many people love to do and get so much pleasure from. Whether you are going for a two-week jaunt abroad for rest and relaxation or are going for a longer duration and visiting multiple countries knowing how to prepare and what you will need before arriving at your destination can help you to stay safer and avoid any complications on arrival.

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